The RCG appoints Chorus to deliver Backhaul Fibre to RBI2 cell sites
The Rural Connectivity Group (RCG) and Chorus have agreed that Chorus will play a key role in providing backhaul fibre to new mobile sites scheduled to be built under the RBI2 initiative.

“We are really pleased to be working with a key partner like Chorus to deliver fibre, alongside our other backhaul solutions, key to enabling delivery of the sites in our programme.”
Chorus’s Chief Customer Officer Ed Hyde said: “We recognise the importance to New Zealand of high-quality mobile services in rural areas, and equally the importance of fibre in rolling out mobile infrastructure.
“This is a good deal for all participants and we expect it to benefit many rural communities over the coming years.”
“In order to deliver on this agreement, the team had to design a new fibre-based mobile backhaul product. In line with our requirement not to discriminate, this new backhaul product will now also be made available to any other mobile network builders to consume,” Hyde said.
The deal sees Chorus provide fibre backhaul to those RCG sites within fibre reach and in return Chorus will receive backhaul revenues from the completed sites for a 10 year period.
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